Partners with other missions

Multiplying Kingdom Impact by training PLANTERS and


Equip India encourages, challenges and teaches local churches to recruit and equip workers from nearby mission organizations; such as: cross-cultural missionaries, evangelists, church planters, schools, hostels, orphanages, seminaries, Bible schools and medical staffs so that we can enhance the evangelism and discipleship components of their ministries. Our goal is to provide them with a biblical basis for presenting the Gospel that can be used for personal evangelism and mentoring others in sharing their faith.

One of many such mission organizations who Equip India trained is the Indian Evangelical Mission (IEM). The Head quarter of IEM is in the state of Kerala but has ministry in 16 states of India with 580 church planters and staff.  Pastor P. John Wesley, the General Secretary of Indian Evangelical Mission wrote, Equip India came as a team to Outreach Training Institute, the missionary training wing of IEM. Because of their training and workshops, our missionary candidates are equipped to meet new contacts and share the love of Christ through personal evangelism. I have invited them to and recommended them to different churches and organisations. Their ministry has been very effective and because of that our missionaries are able to share the gospel in the relevant manner.